The evolution of IOM Proposal to IOMR Proposal

   Since August 1, 2018, our IOM Proposal has evolved as an IOMR Proposal with the addition of a new member. Mr. Iyer (93years old), who is an advocate of this proposal, not only found a new member but also expressed the following idea ( 4 comments about IOMR Proposal) in order to penetrate a lot of people with our proposal. These are also the common ideas of the four of us. We are going to continue our activities in accordance with this IOMR Proposal. (Kunio Oki   28/Aug/2018)



1A comment about IOMR Proposal (1)

 1. We see today, that all countries are competing with one another in building their Arms strength in many ways. When will this struggle end? If it continued endlessly, a total annihilation of humanity would become a reality in this planet. Will they stop if their arms are all destroyed altogether ? No, they will perhaps take in their hands, whatever they can lay their hands upon, and will still be at loggerheads, ready to fight. Therefore, we should make them realize that a fight or warring is not a solution for the ills to which the world is facing today. It is required to make them turn towards other means to bring peace.


 2.Their mind-set has to be taken away from the thought of fight or warring.
How can this be done? That should be done not by the -isms, which are racing around this world, but by the teachings, that will make them understand the importance and immenseness of Nature. One may call this Nature by any name. Our early forefathers and ancient philosophers, both in Asia and in Europe, were aware of this as spirituality. They all said, "Follow Nature and try to live according to the dictates of Nature. That is, "Shed any tendency to over-aspire and amass riches for oneself. Learn from the ants and birds, how to live in communion with Nature. They all have no sense of possession. These creatures, also made by the Creator, like us, are with us from time immemorial. Even carnivorous animals do not kill their prey, except for their own food required to satisfy their hunger."


 3. The six senses, which the Creator has provided Man, facilitate him to analyze what is right and what is wrong, so that he can choose a path that will lead him safely to his goal. That is, these senses must not be used to kill fellow-mortals as is being done now. This planet which has become a safe home for Man, and other creations of the Almighty, are the repository of immense wealth, that can be used by Man to make his life better than what it is today, to help other cohabits in this same planet, and to make their lives equally better. Man can find ways and means of making more food, and more utensils and tools, needed for a comfortable living, distribute them to all, in all the corners of this world, making each others' lives more comfortable and more meaningful.


 4.But what we find today, is a more divisive tendency among many of us, and more oppressive methods to subject others to our ideas. We find many kinds of isms and religious branches, all over, which convert others, to a particular religion or ism, by various means, including force. These attempts for conversion has been the cause of many wars, as recorded in our History.
  We have already seen two such wars happening in the last century, and still, we have not learnt any lessons from them so far. On the contrary, we are engaging ourselves in the same path, little realizing that such a path will lead us to our own destruction, and seal the fate of human habitation in this planet. Advancement in the knowledge and in technology, seems to have no positive effect on us all, except leading us in this destructive path. What is the remedy for this?


 5. Our effort, hereafter, must be in the realm of finding and obtaining a true knowledge, instead of proceeding in the direction where we are going today. What is true knowledge? It is the one that will give us a mental equipoise, and an eye for looking at all the creations which we find in the same way as we look at us. This is what was taught to us by Buddha and ancient Seers in Europe and in Asia. First, we must try to learn what they said, and how their prescriptions can be made to suit us living in a modern world. Because, their teachings were in a society that existed in their days. That society does not exist anymore today, since this world has changed considerably in the intervening centuries. Their ideas are still valid as they were given in those times, but we have to alter these ideas to suit for the conditions of the present day. This alteration should be flexible. For that purpose, we have to change these ideas each time we practice them, by a try and error way.


 6. Our object, here, is to bring a lasting peace in this troubled world. Access to many ancient texts, which are full of such ideas, will help us to a great extent, in this. Why I say about ancient texts, is because the societies in various parts of our world are not so sophisticated as that of ancient times. People at that time were straight, truthful, and led simple life, utilizing the material available to them, as given by Nature, and they did not depend on artificial means very much to make their lives better. Treachery, cheating, telling lies, wantonness, cruelty and many ills are found in common among us today, but people at that time were able to handle these ills well. Their simple ways of living, gave them a life, full of robust health and longevity, devoid of diseases found common among many of us, today. We do find such communities in Africa and other islands in the Pacific today. IOMR need to stress the possibility of such a way of life.

                                                 (S.Chidambaresa Iyer.     9 Aug 2018)



2 A comment about IOMR Proposal (2)

1. Now, we have reached a stage, when we shall have to come to brass tacks about our life in the earth. At this stage, we shall have to work for identifying our members in the African continent, since it is going to be our fulcrum of action, eventually. I visualize ten members from Africa, mostly from the backward and desert part of that land--such as Ethiopia, Chad, Rwanda, Gold Coast, Nigeria, Madagascar, Southern Sudan,Ghana, Tanzania etc. This is a delicate and time-consuming task. Therefore, we have to progress this task carefully and slowly. After this, we have to similarly enlist members from other parts of the world, to make our organization as representative as possible throughout the globe. We may have to have in all, about thirty members from these parts (all the five continents together). Therefore, we will start our organization as forty members including us. We can increase this number in course of time, as necessary. In selecting these members, the embassies concerned can be made use of, judicially.


2. Once we have selected our full team, our task will turn to writing down the memorandum of our Association. First of all, our association will be named ASSOCIATION FOR UNIVERSAL PEACE (AUP). The memorandum of AUP will be accepted by all the forty members. Selection of H.Q. of AUP follows this. We do not need a big building. A small hut or a portion of a garage (for example, located in Ethiopia), will be enough for us, to have an address. Since we need active members, we shall have to select those in the age group 35-45.
I expect this process to take about two years. Since technology has advanced so much these days, physical travel to all parts of the world will not be necessary, for any one. We can contact with each other through Internet as a global action for AUP.   

                                                              (S.Chidambaresa Iyer. 10 Aug 2018 )


3 A comment about IOMR Proposal(3)

I am thinking about the matter to be included in the memorandum of AUP, as follows.

1. As the name suggests, the motto of this association is universal Peace in this globe. This will be achieved by non-violent means, i.e., AHIMSA as prescribed by the Buddha.
2. AUP will oppose all forms of arms, all appliances of armed warfare and wars, in any country, or between any two countries. Differences over principles should be settled by mutual discussions.
3. The gap now existing between the rich and poor countries will be eliminated by mutual or multi cooperation. AUP will work for this in all possible ways.
4. AUP will work for addressing all kinds of catastrophes, diseases peculiar to specific regions, illiteracy, economic malaise, droughts in the agricultural spheres, malnutrition found among children and elders, chronic problems in certain areas, housing shortage, water shortage, and similar problems.
5. AUP will fight against certain practices found in certain regions, which are associated with slavery of humans, drug peddling, child labour, trafficking in women etc.
6. AUP will work to progress mutual assistance on equal terms between countries.
7. Though AUP will not go for fund collection, it will accept voluntary donations of funds, given without any pre-conditions.
8. AUP will work to extend help for social up-gradation and growth of societies, in all countries.
9. AUP will work for enhancing the quantity and quality of knowledge in all universities and in all countries.
10. AUP will work for increasing agricultural and industrial wealth and enhancing technological know-how in all countries.

                                                            (S.Chidambaresa Iyer. 10 Aug 2018 )



4 A comment about IOMR Proposal (4)

1. In spite of a fast-growing Technology and the attendant growth in many fields perceived thereby, this world, comprising many Nations, is still unable to find a lasting peace among us all, and seems to be tottering slowly and firmly towards a total annihilation. Of course, we have a mighty UNO with its attendant UN Security Council formed by consensus among all the Nations, in the year 1946. But this body, with a proclaimed lofty principle of ensuring a Universal Peace has been unable to succeed in its objective so far, because of political, economic and diplomatic shackles. The big divide seen among many Nations today is the result of influential movement of a few Nations claiming an unworthy priority and a veto power.

2. Nations endowed with strategic power or nations with an amassed stock of arms of immense destructive capability seems to be held responsible for such divide. These countries are able to call the shots on all issues, concerning this world, ignoring those of others less powerful. As a result, the present UN and its Security Council, have became totally powerless bodies.

3. To find a workable alternative to this, and to be a really useful body for ensuring peace in this world, this organization called IOMR--ASSOCIATION FOR UNIVERSAL PEACE (AUP) is being formed now with ordinary citizens all over the world as its members. This is a voluntary Organization with free membership to all adults all over the world. Its H.Q. is planned to be in a weak Saharan, African country, like Ethiopia. AUP is now in the process of being formed with at least Seventy members, to start with, by selecting one from main countries. Ultimately, it will have members from each country in this world. We cordially welcome all citizens of the world to become members of this association, AUP. Once, the membership formation is completed, we propose starting our other activities.

                                                                         (S.Chidambaresa Iyer. 20 Aug 2018 )







Main Text


IOMR Proposal



  1. Comment(1)
  2. Comment(2)
  3. Comment(3)
  4. Comment(4)