IOMR SCHEME (Supplementary annotations about
    IOMR Proposal)

1 More about IOMR Proposal

 1. This Proposal is for a really united shape of all nations occupying this planet, irrespective of their size, economic or strategic strength, race, colour, or achievements in any field of human activity.

 2.For removal of all negative actions such as multiplying their armies, or their strengths in any manner.

 3. For wiping out all forms of inequality, social, economic, or intellectual.

 4.For striving to remove, hunger, disease or any disability from the face of this planet.

 5. For bringing a close understanding between humans, wherever they are.

 6. And finally to bring a lasting peace on this planet.

                                                 (S.Chidambaresa Iyer. 31 May 2017)




  As a starting point, we have made a choice of the Esparanto as a common language of communication. This is a perfectly right decision and should be pursued. I suggested Sanskrit because of its rich literature spanning across all the human endeavours from philosophy to drama and prose, from medicinal plant knowledge to surgical practices, from semantics to dialectics, and from astronomy to material science, and with a well-codified and computer friendly grammar, un-available in any other language. This rich language has become extinct due to the wayward course of History. Because of its inherent worth and magnificence, it has to take its rightful place in course of time, as the most-spoken, written and referred to language. We should raise the issue of Sanskrit, when we draft the new constitution of the UN. As the initiators of the IOM scheme, it is our duty to ensure this.   

                                                              (S.Chidambaresa Iyer. 30 May 2017 )


3 FIVE everlasting principles for Humanity

  To sum up, the UN will be guided by FIVE everlasting principles for Humanity of AHIMSA, SATYAM, ASTHEYAM, SOUCHAM and INDRIYA NIGRAHAM. These are Sanskrit words of human conduct applicable to all, individuals and countries.
1. AHIMSA means Non-violence, as opposed to HIMSA , which is violence. The same thing can be said in a positive way :Cultivate Friendliness, which generates better understanding between peoples.
2. SATYAM, which means TRUTH. A country true to itself, will never be untrue to other countries.
3. ASTHEYAM,which means, not coveting another man's or Country's land or property
4. SOUCHAM, which means adopting cleanliness, self and environmental.
5. INDRIYA NIGRAHAM, which means, self and societal discipline.  

                                                            (S.Chidambaresa Iyer. 20 Jun 2017 )



4 Idealism and Realisn

1. As for our proposal of this time, we were given the opinion that it is too idealistic and not a realistic correspondence. So, we would like to review our proposal from a realistic point of view. After that, we would like to return to the idealistic view again in a true sense and to annotate our proposal. The main problems from a realistic point of view are about the two social concepts, that is, private ownership system and nation which is based on our society. And the other problem is that we should look directly at a variety of human nature including evil.

2. The private ownership system was established with democracy by development of the capitalism. The idea that what I gained by my effort is my property is, of course, a universal way of thinking of the human being in any age. However, it was established as a system that can not be committed by any person since the establishment of a state defending capitalism and democracy. The private property and the principle of the state are the result that human society reached historically and are deeply rooted in our social life. However, at the same time, we feel that the spirit of mutual aid that shares surpluses in neighborhoods, etc. before the barrier of private ownership system is established is gradually lost. Now, everything is converted into money and leads to increase of the private property. Therefore, the story of the little girl to share the cake which Mr. Iyer talked about at the beginning of our proposal is important in thinking about the way of the possession in the future society.

3. When we consider the earth as a board face of chess, the nation faces or cooperates each other as a piece of chess. Such a game between nations has greatly formed the foundation of political and economic activity of current human. This is also supported by the consciousness of distinction between enemy and friend, which has been inherent in a human being essentially. Therefore, even if a nation disappears, next time, races or verbal cultural communities may develop such a game dividing into two groups, namely enemy or friend. The realist thinks that the organization and group formed by human beings are originally such things. On the other hand, the idealist thinks that even if so, when we think about the human future, the game between old-fashioned nations should go to the end.

4. Realists say that the social system with capitalism, democracy, and nation together formed the most efficient and developed societies that mankind has reached. Certainly, by this system, we have achieved dramatic economic development in some part areas and have accumulated a lot of wealth. But behind that, workers in companies have been forced to the situation that they obliged to work most of the day with tension. How to solve the relationship between company and workers is a big problem to be solved for idealists. That is of course a problem involving a major transformation of the social system. We can not solve it at once.

5. Since ancient times, philosophers have thought that fundamental solution of the problem of evil is impossible for human beings. Every era, various people who had both good and evil repeated various moral and immoral acts. Realists think that this is a human society in any age. On the other hand, idealists admit such reality and think that it is necessary in every age to continue to explore what way of life the moral life for each person's life is.

6. We think the contact point of common issues between idealism and realism is the resolution of the gap between the rich and the poor. Without this resolution, we would not go any further. How bitterly poverty hurts people's mind and limits their lives! Only people who experienced poverty know it. How hard the life without adequate food, electricity, water, and children's education is, due to the poverty! Is it good for us to attribute such situation to the responsibility of such individuals or such countries? We should not forget that there are people who can not escape from such poverty, at the root of current conflict in the world.

7. We don't deny the idea of realists. On the contrary it is the reality. Idealists believe that reality changes historically, and therefore they think that it is necessary for human beings to envision a better future for human beings. However, we should not be satisfied with sloppy ideas and behavior, of course. There should be a tough criticism from the realist. We would like to think about the future of humanity while exchanging idealistic thinking and realistic thinking together. Our proposal is just starting point or small initial casting as of now. We think that it would be wonderful if we could find various questions and tasks in our proposal, could discuss the solution and could change it to a more fulfilling proposal from now on.

                                                                            (Kunio Oki. 19 Aug 2017 )

5 State and Ethnic group

1. In our Proposal about United Nation's reform, we described that the state would be dissolved and autonomy based on each ethnic group should be secured under the new UN. So, we would like to think about the relationship between the state and the ethnic group.
  In Japanese, speaking of the state, it is the existence that has the highest power in the border, governs the people, protects the lives of the people. However, in English etc., the state is called State, Nation and Country. State, like United States of America, also represents a state like State of Mississippi, State of California etc., not a country, in which case a state means an some autonomous authority. In other words, even when we call it State, it has meaning as state power. As for Nation, Japanese are familiar as national people. Nation involves in a sense of the citizens who make up the state. And Country literally has its own meaning as a hometown or countryside as a region. We think that State should be expressed in relation to the state that should be dissolved as we described in our Proposal.

2. Meanwhile, the ethnic group is called Ethnic or Race in English. Race is also translated into (human) species in Japanese. Ethnic, unlike Race, may be a mixture of various races historically to create one ethnic community. So we think that it is appropriate to express the ethnic concept with Ethnic group. Currently the state of the world is often composed of several ethnic groups. In Japan, from the ancient times many different ethnic groups came from various parts of the world and unified in almost the same culture and language. So, the country itself may be expressed as one ethnic group. However, in almost States, many ethnic groups with different languages, cultures and religions coexist in the same State. In the latter case, co-existence often develops into competition or conflict, which occurs frequently in the past or even now.

3. When a conflict occurred, State may oppress the domestic ethnic group who are against the regime of State. Such a repressed ethnic group asserts the separation and independence from the State so far, but State naturally will not accept it. Because State has maintained the lives of the people under the existing "ethnic community" and has aimed for economic prosperity as a country. And now the national economy supported by this existing State is the core of the global economy of the world today. So even though Independence momentum gets moving like Scotland and Catalonia, not a few people who approve of the separate independence are anxious about it because they think that if they draw apart from the UK and Spain, it will be impossible to continue the peaceful life like now. In fact, the current each State has become a powerful piece on the face of the earth, confronting each other or cooperating each other.

4. Of course, it is not possible for State as power to soon disappear and shift to a society where autonomy of each Ethnic group is recognized. There will still be attempts to resolve conflicts between ethnic groups by coordination among States centered on the major power States and to maintain world peace by such States. However, someday, a society where each Ethnic group has own boundary and its existence is assured under the new UN will be required. Each Ethnic group has maintained own history and culture, respectively. We can not fully understand the culture of other Ethnic people. That is because there are various ways of living, religion and life in each historically formed Ethnic group. Ethnic groups should respect each other as irreplaceable, even if they can not completely understand each other. We think that is just Ethnic. We believe that human society should converge there. For that purpose, the United Nations must be reborn in stages. That is our Proposal.

                                                                            (Kunio Oki. 02 Dec 2017 )




6 Service to Humanity

  My dear Oki San and Maria,

  Greetings to you both. I wish to write here, more about our IOM Scheme. Our proposal was, as you both will remember,  to initiate service to the common folk, particularly the extremely poor human groups in the  central regions, Sahara desert region, and the Nile valley  in the continent of Africa. As  the information goes, they are all leading a life of the wretched and the down trodden, in more or less the same condition of the animals, that abound the region. They may be living in forests, next  to leading the lives of the animals there.

  They were all converted to christianity, and Islam, with promises of welfare by the European settlers, and settlers from  the Middle-East and North Africa, which promises were never kept. What the UN has so far done to them is so little that what that organization did, is no where adequate to lift them from their present predicament. The most ironic fact of  their condition, is that they are unaware of their present  predicament. Interested countries come to their region, and loot what little is left to them by nature. Most of the African States there are ruled by their own chieftain-turned dictators, who amass wealth, swindled from them and  deposited in their own personal accounts in banks of Europe. The UN has so far done little about this, though most of those African States are members of the UN.

  We are but three individuals, with no power, political or otherwise. It appears to me that we shall have to tag on to existing Organisations, who are service-minded like us and help us through. We are never in need of fame or wealth, and we will be satisfied if we are able to bring  solace to these down-trodden, and make their lives meaningful. Our process will be long-drawn, and is likely to take years to show up. But, if we make a beginning now, we are sure to succeed eventually, and that success will be our satisfaction. 
  Thus, what we have to do now, is to look for such organisations, to dialogue with them and to convince them of the importance of the voluntary Service.  I shall do this in my country, India, and you two continue the same in your countries. Unless we, or some unlike us start such scheme with a missionary zeal, nothing can be done to uplift those people into becoming honourable members of our society. We are able to realize that the UN is set on a course, which, in my opinion, is not going to do anything tangible for these, who are only humans by name.  I request you both think about this deeply with a human concern, and write to me first, as to how we can go about this matter. 

  (S.Chidambaresa Iyer. 02 Jan 2018 )



7 Looking for the organization (Almost similer       to 6 )

  My dear Oki San and Maria,

  Greetings to you both. I wish to write here more about our IOM Scheme. Our proposal was, as you both will remember, to initiate service to the common folk, particularly the extremely poor human groups in the central regions, Sahara desert region, and the Nile valley in the continent of Africa. As the information goes they are all leading a life of the wretched and the down trodden in more or less the same condition of the animals, that abound the region. They may be living in forests, next to leading the lives of the animals there. They were all converted to christianity, and Islam, with promises of welfare by the European settlers, and settlers from the Middle-East and North Africa, which promises were never kept.

  What the UN has so far done to them is so little that what that organization did is no where adequate to lift them from their present predicament. The most ironic fact of their condition, is that they are unaware of their present predicament. Interested countries come to their region, and loot what little is left to them by Nature. Most of the States there are ruled by their own chieftain-turned dictators, who amass wealth, swindled from them and deposited in banks located in foreign countries in Europe, in their own personal accounts. The UN has so far done little about this, though most of those States are members of the UN.


  We are but three individuals, with no power, political or otherwise. It appears to me that we shall have tag on to existing Organizations, who are service-minded like us and help us through. We are never in need of fame or wealth, and we will be satisfied if we are able to bring solace to these down-trodded, and make their lives meaningful. Our process will be long-drawn, and is likely to take years to show up. But, if we make beginning now, we are sure to succeed, and that success will be our satisfaction. Thus, what we have to do now, is to look for such organizations, dialogue with them convince them of the importance of the voluntary Service in these African countries.

  I am doing this in my country, I request you to do the same in your countries and prevail upon your friends to do likewise in their countries. If the UN helps us, it is OK, If not, we shall have to slog ourselves on this work and hope for the best. Some public organizations interested in such work, may come to our help. We shall have to look for them, and approach them for help. They may concede. This work is a huge work and will take years, nay, generations to complete. But still it is worth taking trouble.


       (S.Chidambaresa Iyer. 29 May 2018)



                                                                                                           To the head







Main Text


IOMR Proposal



  1. more about IOM Proposal
  2. Esperanto and Sanskrit
  3. Five principles
  4. Idearism and Realism
  5. State and Ethnic
  6. Service to Humanity
  7. Looking for the organization